James McMurray's Blog

Rust, Linux and other curiosities

What should I program?

Doing projects is often the best way to get more programming experience and learn about new concepts and problem domains. However, a common issue is finding feasible projects of a reasonable scope that can produce something useful in a few weekends.

In this post I will list some classic project ideas for beginner and intermediate programmers (most of which should be achievable in 2-3 weekends), along with many other project ideas I've had but have never had time to implement (and a few which I did).

There are many long lists of project ideas available on Github, like build-your-own-x and 100 Projects of Code but these often lack a real description and justification of the projects. In this article I will go more in-depth with the different project ideas.

Within each section the projects are ordered in ascending difficulty / time investment.

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

Classic projects

In this section I list some classic project ideas, in ascending order of time investment / difficulty. I'd recommend these to all new programmers.

Sudoku solver

Since a Sudoku grid is only 9x9, it is feasible to just use Depth First Search and check if the grid is still valid at each step (backtracking when it isn't).

This approach means this is a very simple problem which can be implemented in less than an hour, and could be good experience if you are new to graph search algorithms.

Here is my implementation in Scala (this was my first Scala program).

To make it more interesting, you could solve it using simulated annealing or other methods. Another interesting project using graph search algorithms is maze solving.

TCP client/server or proxy

Writing a TCP client and server, or a TCP proxy server, will force you to work with multithreading or asynchronous programming (or both - see my previous post on asynchronous programming if you are unsure of the difference).

I recently wrote a simple synchronous TCP proxy server in Rust for use in vopono without adding a lot of async dependencies. You could also write a simple file transfer program for example.

CHIP-8 emulator

CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, that was used on several microcomputers in the late 1970s.

The language is effectively a high-level instruction set, where the opcodes correspond to different instructions from low-level mathematical operations to high-level operations like drawing on the screen.

I highly recommend reading Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference if you choose to do this project. I wrote an implementation in Go which includes the documentation of the opcodes and some issues which I hit mentioned in the README.

Here is my CHIP-8 interpreter running Breakout:

My CHIP-8 interpreter running Breakout

If you enjoy building an emulator/Virtual Machine I'd also recommend the Advent of Code 2019 intcode problems (starting on day 2) which involve building a VM to execute the intcode instructions.

Then if you really want a greater challenge you could try implementing a NES or Gameboy emulator (also check out Reddit's /r/EmuDev). The NesDev Wiki is a great resource for the former, combined with OneLoneCoder's video series. For the Gameboy the gbdev community has a lot of comprehensive documentation. Here is a Gameboy emulator compiled to WebAssembly for example.

A great advanced project idea would be a SNES emulator compiled to WebAssembly that could play peer-to-peer multiplayer over the internet by using WebRTC and verifying that both players have the same ROM. The (possibly copyrighted) ROM itself would not need to be sent over the network.


The Nand2Tetris course covers everything from building an Arithmetic Logic Unit using a simple Hardware Description Language in the first course, to building an assembler for a simple instruction set and a compiler for a simple Java-inspired language in the second course.

This is the best course I have ever taken, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who hasn't completed it already. It is a very hands-on and fun computer architecture course with the basics of compilers and operating systems development included too. If you do try this course, I've uploaded the KeepUp game I made for Week 8 to Github so you can try it out.

Here is my assembled game running on the Hack Virtual Machine:

My KeepUp game running in the Hack Virtual Machine

If you find the course interesting, for computer architecture projects (in addition to the emulator ones mentioned above), you could try Project Oberon, for a simpler project there is also the Write your own Virtual Machine tutorial.

For compilers and programming language development, you might be interested in reading Crafting Interpreters, Writing an interpreter in Go, Writing a compiler in Go and the Create your own programming language with Rust online book.

For Operating Systems development, the osdev Wiki has a lot of comprehensive resources. There is also the Writing an OS in Rust blog series, and the rust-embedded group's Rust RaspberryPi OS tutorials.

Charles Petzold's Code is a lighter and slightly dated book covering similar areas in computer architecture, which I'd still recommend reading as a companion book and some appreciation of the history (just like Linus Torvald's biography is also good for a very light read about the history of Linux).

Finally, since this entry is actually a course, I also wanted to recommend other excellent online courses I have completed:

Ray Tracer

Implementing a Ray Tracer is a great project for producing a visible result that you can share with others. I highly recommend The Ray Tracer Challenge book (and don't forget the bonus chapters at the end!). The book uses Test-Driven Development and does not prescribe a specific programming language.

I implemented the project in Scala. If I were to do it again, I'd recommend making sure your primitives are as fast as possible (i.e. use the appropriate linear algebra libraries) to ensure better performance later on. I'd also recommend implementing it such that it can compile to WebAssembly or JavaScript - e.g. with wgpu in Rust so that it is easy to show to others whilst keeping good performance.

Here is an example image from my ray tracer implementation based on The Ray Tracer Challenge (the Scala logo model was created in Blender):

Example image from my Ray Tracer implementation

There is also the Ray Tracing in One Weekend series for an alternative resource aimed at C++.

Graphics programming is a very deep rabbit hole. If you find the Ray Tracer project interesting, I'd definitely recommend Bisqwit's YouTube channel with videos on DOOM-style rendering, Polygon Rasterisation and Illumination mostly in C and C++.

My project ideas

The above project ideas are very popular and almost a rite of passage for new programmers now. In this section I will present many different project ideas I've had but have not had time to fully implement (or even begin!).

As in the previous section, projects are sorted by approximate difficulty in ascending order.

Scrabble solver

Scrabble / Words With Friends is a popular word game where you must form the best words from your character tiles to score the highest points against your opponent.

I wrote a simple Scrabble solver in Scala which uses a more-or-less brute force approach of scoring every possible word, using regular expressions to find possibilities from the word list for each possible board position. The main issue is that it can be very slow for complicated boards (i.e. near late-game) taking ~3-4 minutes to produce the best solution, since it finds all possible moves and then ranks them.

I'd really like to re-implement this in Rust so it could be built for WebAssembly. Note that in WebAssembly multiple threads are not yet supported in most browsers, so the solution would need to be single-threaded. This also makes the performance very important and it would be necessary to either improve the algorithm if possible (maybe some sort of Trie structure could be used instead of separate regular expressions) or use heuristics to discard many positions/moves so they don't all need to be evaluated.

But remember that the board bonuses can mean that score isn't directly correlated with word length, which can make it tricky to define a heuristic to discard positions/moves. Also you may often have the 3rd and 5th letter of a word constrained but not the first letter for example, so the data structure for the word list would need to account for that.

Crusader Kings 3 save-game file analyzer

Crusader Kings 3 is an excellent Grand Strategy game available on GNU/Linux. Overall, the game is a great improvement to its predecessor, however one feature that it lacks is the "Chronicle" which, in Crusader Kings 2, documented the history of your dynasty and their rise to power.

It'd be great to build a WebAssembly based tool that could parse CK3 save game files and show the history of the game (using the title owner change dates and their respective dynasties), the trees of different characters' dynasties, and graphs for the number of alive dynasty members over time, and other interesting metrics.

Whilst running the game in debug mode - without Ironman mode so achivements are disabled - it is possible to export a save game in JSON format that is easy to parse. However, for Ironman saves in the normal game (the most common scenario for players unlocking achievements) the savegame is serialised in a different, binary format.

The idea would be to first handle deserialising the relevant parts of the JSON debug saves to useful structs, and then build this to WebAssembly with a frontend framework (e.g. Seed) and some JavaScript (e.g. plotly.js) to create the visualisations.

Once something is useful for the debug saves, then a deserialiser for the Ironman saves could be created. From my brief analysis of the save files, it seems the fields are in the same order as in the debug saves and I was already able to extract character IDs, names and faiths for example.

The end result could be something like Rakaly (also written in Rust, note the save game analysis crate is FOSS) is for Europa Universalis 4 save files but focussed on the Chronicle functionality. Rakaly has already dealt with the Ironman issue for EU4 saves too, so it is not insurmountable.

Using an Xbox One controller as a MIDI synthesizer

Another interesting project would be to be able to use an Xbox One controller to create music with a software MIDI synthesizer. I found two repositories on Github doing this already: midibox360 and xbox-midi-controller.

I tried out midixbox360 but the latency was too high to be usable so I wrote my own test in Rust. I have the put the test code on Github, unfortunately it also has latency issues (though slightly less severe).

At some point I will try the following steps to improve that:

  • Using a wired headset to remove any dependency on Bluetooth audio.
  • Using the JACK audio system instead of ALSA (and using the jack feature in the midir crate)
  • Using a different software MIDI synthesizer (so far I only tried TiMidity++ and adjusting the buffer size)
  • Using a Linux kernel with realtime patches

Real-time audio is a complicated domain due to the requirement for such low latency in order for it to be usable, but it'd be great to solve these issues at some point.

Alexa skill for Reddit usage

As an Echo Dot owner, it'd be great to write a Custom Alexa skill to read and vote on Reddit stories and comments.

I investigated this before and wrote a simple Hello World skill in Rust and AWS Lambda, using the alexa_rust crate (the tutorial in the crate README is quite comprehensive). The Alexa Skill can be hosted in AWS Lambda, and just needs to handle the Alexa requests like a state machine, with most of the hard work being in defining the interaction model.

The main issues I noticed when setting up the skill were:

  • There is no way to allow free narration to Alexa, so it wouldn't be possible to post comments (narrated by the user) as far as I know.

  • Authentication is also tricky, for example, we'd need the user to provide their Reddit API key somehow (and save it). Maybe this is possible in the skill configuration in the Alexa app (like how the response Cards appear).

It's also a bit awkward to deploy since you are on the hook for hosting costs (although AWS Lambda gives 1 million free requests). It's a shame there isn't some sort of free hosting for FOSS community skills (i.e. I'm not building a skill for my own company/service), especially as this could be a great tool for accessibility for those with poor eyesight or arthritis, etc. that would struggle to use a smartphone or computer.

ALMA docker support + ALMA Hub

As mentioned in a previous blog post, ALMA is a tool for creating persistent LiveUSB installations of Arch Linux, that can be configured with a collection of preset files (also see this collection aimed at audio production).

If support were added to install directly to a partition (i.e. not formatting the entire disk and installing a bootloader), and it were possible to run in Docker then it might be possible to use ALMA as a universal Arch Linux installer.

It would give you the opportunity to try out the "meta-distribution" of preset files on a LiveUSB or a VM first (as already exists), and then install it directly to a disk or partition, even from Windows (via Docker).

There would likely be a lot of permissions issues to resolve and so on, but I think this would be a great project and remove the need for a lot of simplified Arch Linux based distributions like EndeavourOS, Manjaro, etc.

Eventually the meta-distributions of preset file collections could be shared on an "ALMA Hub" website - providing screenshots and summaries of the different configurations available.

Linux CLI Hex editor

Whilst analysing the Crusader Kings 3 save games mentioned above, it was a pain not being able to use neovim directly. It is possible to just run xxd on the buffer and put neovim in xxd mode, but then searching for series of bytes is difficult as it depends on the formatting (i.e. if xxd split the line or not).

Overall I found bless to be the best hex editor (ghex is a close second), but it'd be great to have something like this on the command line, or if possible, as a neovim plugin.

Mainly it'd need to be able to:

  • Show separate panes for bytes and text, with the selected text synchronised between them.
  • Search backwards and forwards for a series of bytes or ASCII or UTF-8 text from a given position, and give the offset in bytes from the starting position.
  • Show UTF-8 decoded text for valid UTF-8 bytes (this should be optional), useful for reading UTF-8 encoded strings - note in this case several bytes would correspond to one UTF-8 character so the interface would need to be adjusted.
  • Search by decimal values (converted in to bytes using big-endian or little-endian hexadecimal).
  • Ability to copy from bytes or text columns.

Bless covers most of those use cases, but I'd really love to have it inside of neovim. I've never written a neovim plugin before so I'm not sure how feasible this would be.

Linux packet editor

In the olden days, there was a very easy-to-use packet editor on Windows called the Winsock Packet Editor (WPE Pro). This made it easy to just select an application and analyse or modify its traffic.

A screenshot of WPE Pro running on Windows XP:

WPE Pro running on Windows XP

It'd be great to build something similar on Linux for modern systems, perhaps using temporary network namespaces and nftables to mark the packets and run the namespace connection through a proxy server run by the packet editor.

Things are slightly more complicated nowadays, as almost all connections will use TLS, so it is necessary to Man-in-the-Middle these connections (see mitmproxy for example).

Note that for memory editing, scanmem/GameConqueror exists on Linux, although it is not quite as advanced as CheatEngine.

Command-line Interface Chiptune Tracker

Chiptunes are a type of synthesised music generated with waveform generators (i.e. an "instrument" in a track might be a sine wave, with different notes representing different frequencies). Here is a famous example track: To Norway With Love

These are usually created with music trackers, a good example on Linux is MilkyTracker (I recommend this tutorial series for getting started).

It'd be great to create a CLI-based music tracker and an open library for music tracker development (so it could be extended to WebAssembly for web-based trackers, etc.)

Joust Battle Royale

After completing the Rust WebAssembly tutorial using Conway's Game Of Life, and the Introduction to Rust Web Applications tutorial, I thought it'd be good to try to build a multiplayer browser-based game in WebAssembly.

Unfortunately time constraints meant I didn't get too far, but what I implemented is available on Github here. The idea was to implement a Battle Royale version of Joust - with many players trying to eliminate eachother and survive as the stage becomes smaller.

Note that real-time multiplayer in the browser is hard, as the browser is restricted to websockets and cannot use UDP.

That said, there are some good examples for inspiration such as Crate Before Attack a Worms-style game written in Rust and WebAssembly, and Pont which is an implementation of the Qwirkle board game in Rust and WebAssembly.

At some point I'd like to retry this idea, perhaps with a less real-time dependent game, as WebAssembly offers a great opportunity for massively accessible games - which would work perfectly for games like Among Us.

Self-hosted Google Keep alternative

When using Google Keep I often wish I could just edit org-mode style markdown and save notes that way.

The idea here would be to build a web app that opens a markdown editor when clicking to edit the notes, which supports the TODO and deadline dates styling of org-mode, but has a clean presentation when just viewing the notes (like Google Keep).

Ideally it would also support pygments style syntax highlighting for code blocks and MathJax for LaTeX equations support.

This a nice project as it would be very useful, and is very extensible (i.e. later creating an Android app, etc.)

AI for Democracy 3

Democracy 3 is a political/economic management video game where you choose social and economic policies to try to win re-election whilst balancing the economy and popularity with different demographics.

The main game view of Democracy 3 showing the relationships between different variables:

The main game view of Democracy 3

The idea here would be to build an AI that can play the game successfully, managing the different policy choices (Project Cybersyn style).

I investigated this briefly about 5 years ago. All of the equations relating different variables and policies can be extracted from the game files - note that many have non-linear relationships.

The main challenges would be:

  • Building a simulation of the game, using the equations in the game files (practically re-implementing the bulk of the game). So that different policies can be quickly evaluated.
  • Building an AI that can effectively learn and optimise the relationships between the directly modifiable variables, intermediate variables and the final outcome (i.e. election popularity and budget) without knowing the relationships a priori.

Once a fast simulation is possible, at least many different methods could be tried for the policy model itself such as Q-learning or Deep Q-learning.

For learning more about Artificial Intelligence, I enjoyed Udacity's Artificial Intelligence course back when it used to be free to audit, unfortunately it is now stupidly expensive, but you might be able to get a similar experience by reading Peter Norvig's Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.

FOSS engine for Netstorm

Netstorm is a Real-Time Strategy game released in late 1997. Unlike popular RTS games, the game is more similar to Populous in that you only directly control one High Priest and a few other units.

Most of the gameplay revolves around building a network of bridges from randomly available Tetris-style bridge patterns, and tower defences which have different ranges and attack patterns. This creates unique puzzle-style competitive gameplay when played in multiplayer.

A screenshot of Netstorm:

Netstorm: Islands At War

There is still a popular community based around patched versions of the original game. The project idea here would be to implement a new engine for the game, that can run natively on Linux, requiring the base game assets.

There are already many popular examples of FOSS game engine reimplementations such as OpenRCT2 for Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, OpenXCOM for X-COM: UFO Defense, and Exult for Ultima VII.

A FOSS implementation of the game engine would allow for builds on more platforms, server improvements for multiplayer, and mod creation (i.e. perhaps a mod for Factorio-style controls).

If you do choose to investigate this project, I'd recommend reading this article on reverse engineering in C++ which mentions NetStorm explicitly, and also to review the source code for the incomplete JavaStorm reimplementation and NetStormSharp which contains code to read the TARC (archive) and SHP (graphics) formats of the game files.

It'd be great to see more advanced games get FOSS engine implementations too, such as Victoria 2 which has a large following, but is not available on Linux and still has no sequel in development.

Completed projects

With all of the unfinished or unimplemented projects mentioned above, I'd also like to mention two projects which started out as interesting ideas just like those, but which I did finish and actively maintain.


s3rename is a cross-platform CLI tool for mass-renaming S3 keys. The idea for this project originally came from having to rename loads of keys in an S3 bucket for use with AWS Glue (which requires specific syntax for a partition hierarchy).

At the time I was using a Python script to generate AWS CLI commands, but this was very slow to run (since all the AWS CLI commands were independent), and it was a pain to modify the script for different transformations needed.

s3rename allows you to use sed-style regexes to define the rename operations, and is implemented in Rust with Tokio for asynchronous operations so it can process many operations at a time (and is much faster than calling the AWS CLI separately).


vopono allows you to run specific applications via VPN connections with temporary network namespaces on Linux. For example, you can run Firefox through a VPN whilst the rest of your system is unaffected.

This originally came from a bash script I had for running OpenVPN in a network namespace. After porting that to Rust, vopono now has many more features including Wireguard support, built-in killswitches for OpenVPN and Wireguard, automatic configuration support for many popular VPN providers and port forwarding support for running servers and daemons inside the VPN whilst still being accessible from the host.


I hope the project ideas above inspire you to build something yourself, be it a new implementation of a classic project, or something completely new.

I greatly recommend trying to find something creative and enjoyable which can be useful within a few weekends to keep motivation high. For example, I personally use vopono for all of my VPN usage now, and that helped a lot to inspire me to keep improving it and covering more use cases.

If you are an absolute beginner, or still getting comfortable with a new programming language, then I do recommend doing some small problems on websites like Leetcode, Project Rosalind, Advent Of Code, and Project Euler for example. However, as you get more comfortable with programming, I think it is more rewarding to work on larger projects (even if they are still very small in scope compared to professional work).

It's worth noting that what is considered as a good beginner project has changed over time. In the past, writing your own IRC bot (or even client or server) was considered as a rite of passage, but now that the popularity of IRC has sadly dwindled, this is less common (perhaps you could write a Matrix client instead).

The same is true for email clients, rudimentary web browsers, CLI text editors, etc. which don't make as great starter projects now due to the consolidation of webmail, the increased complexity of modern web pages (with Javascript support effectively mandatory), and the development of extensive plugin support for popular text editors.

But the list above is far from comprehensive, for example, there is the whole world of embedded development from fully-fledged Single-Board Computers like the Raspberry Pi, to microcontrollers like the Arduino. The Embedded Rust Discovery online book introduces embedded programming with the STM32F3DISCOVERY board for example. You might also consider writing your own database or building a sqlite clone.

If you are interested in programming projects like these, I'd recommed joining the OneLoneCoder community and Discord server, which has a channel dedicated to sharing projects with the community (often focussed on video games).

Finally, many of the projects mentioned above depend upon Free Software, or at least Open Standards, so I'd highly recommend reading Free Software, Free Society (PDF) about the history and importance of the Free Software movement.